Terms and Conditions

Article 1(Scope of Application)

  • These Terms and Conditions shall govern any accommodation agreements or any other related contracts entered into between the hotel and the guest and any matters not stipulated in the Terms and Conditions shall be governed by law and generally established customs.
  • Any usage guidelines and precautions(hereinafter collectively referred to as “Rules”)presented by the hotel in connection with these Terms and Conditions shall constitute a part of these Terms and Conditions.
  • Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, any special agreements provided by the hotel within the scope permitted by law and customs shall take precedence.

Article 2(Application for an Accommodation Agreement)

Those applying for an accommodation agreement at the hotel shall provide the hotel with the following information.

  • Guest name and telephone number
  • The date of stay and estimated time of arrival
  • Accommodation fees(generally based on the Basic Accommodation Fees in Appendix 1. )
  • Other information the hotel deems necessary

In the event that a guest requests to extend their stay beyond the date listed in(2)of the preceding paragraph, an application for a new accommodation agreement is deemed to have been made at the time the request was made.

Article 3(Establishment of the Accommodation Agreement)

  • The accommodation agreement shall be established when the hotel accepts the application set forth in the preceding paragraph. However, this does not apply when the hotel proves it has not accepted the application.
  • When an accommodation agreement has been established as per the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the guest must pay a deposit set by the hotel by the deadline designated by the hotel.
  • The deposit shall first be allocated to room charges ultimately payable by the guest, then allocated to fines followed by compensation for damages in the event that the provisions of Articles 6 and 21 apply; any remaining deposit shall be returned at the time of payment in accordance with Article 13.
  • The accommodation agreement shall cease to be effective when the guest fails to pay the deposit set forth in Paragraph 2 by the deadline designated by the hotel.

Article 5(Refusal of Accommodation Agreements)

This hotel may refuse to enter into an accommodation agreement in the following cases:

  • When the accommodation application violates the stipulations of these Terms and Conditions
  • When guestrooms are fully booked
  • When a potential guest is deemed likely to break the law, disrupt public order, or act contrary to public morals during their stay.
  • When a potential guest is deemed to fall under any of the following categories(a)to(c): An organized crime group under the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members(Act No. 77 of 1991)as stipulated in Article 2(2)(hereinafter “organized crime group”), a member of an organized crime group as stipulated in Article 2(6)(hereinafter “organized crime group member”), an associate member or affiliate of an organized crime group or any other antisocial force
    b. When the applicant is involved in corporations or other organizations whose operations are controlled by an organized crime group.
    c. When any of the directors of the applicant’s corporation is classified as a member of an organized crime group
  • When the potential guest’s behavior poses a significant nuisance to other guests.
  • When the potential guest clearly has a contagious disease.
  • When the potential guest uses violence, threats, blackmail, or intimidation to make unjust or unreasonable demands against the hotel or its employees, or is deemed to have engaged in any similar acts in the past.
  • Any kind of smoking is allowed ONLY in the ‘Smoking Temple’ in the campus. Strictly prohibited in all other areas.
  • Drivers are not allowed to stay inside the campus.

Contact Information

Questions about the Terms of Service should be sent to us at info@ishaa2.com
